Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Week 4

Week 4 Assignment 1

So, I know while I joined Goodreads a while ago (April 2011), I don't use it to its full potential.  Actually, it more like I barely scratch the surface.  Poking around on the site was good and I learned more about what was there, but from looking at how my Goodreads friends have organized their shelves and used tags I learned how I could better use Goodreads for RA and to maximize the effectiveness of an online reading journal. 

I commented on Julie McCann's Goodreads review of Ivan Doig's Whistling Season

Hi Julie,
Ivan Doig has a new book coming out in August.  Morrie Morgan, the teacher from The Whistling Season, is back this time in 1920's Butte, MT.  Where he is working for a newspaper and championing the cause for the miners as the struggle against the ruthless Anaconda Copper Mining Company. 

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